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Intro to Map & Compass
October 7, 2020 @ 3:45 pm - 6:00 pm
| FreeBuilding Hope and BOEC invite attendees Ages 13-20 to learn to navigate in the outdoors with just a map and compass. If you like to hike or learn a new skill this is the perfect opportunity! After a brief overview of how to read a topo map, and use a compass, we will head outside to practice our navigating. Just like a scavenger hunt there will be surprises hiding at each point found. No previous experience is needed.
Advance registration is required with a waiver signed by an adult/legal guardian. Before proceeding with registration, please complete the BOEC/Move United Release of Risk and Liability
This event is limited to 8 participants Ages 13-20. Presented Free of Charge by our Generous Sponsors for Summit County Residents Only.