Summer Internship

Summer interns make a four-month commitment (May 15-September 30), working primarily for the Wilderness Program. During the first few days of the internship, interns are transformed into participants and take part in a mock course. This course gives them time to get to know one another and participate in some of the activities that are offered at the BOEC. Following the mock course, interns take part in three weeks of intense training. During this time interns learn their role within the BOEC and get a chance to develop the hard and soft skills needed to work here at the BOEC.

During the summer, interns become staff on Wilderness Programs. The responsibilities include planning, implementing/facilitating and evaluating the courses. Courses can range from one to fourteen days. They may be held at our wilderness site or in a mobile format (camping, canoeing, or rafting trips off the BOEC site). Participants on these programs include people of all ages and abilities. BOEC programs that interns may be involved in range from camps for children with sensory processing disorders, courses for youth or adults with visual impairments, programs for at-risk youth, week-long adventure camps for adults with traumatic brain injuries, a course for children with hemophilia or a course for adults with multiple sclerosis among many others. Interns are involved with course delivery from beginning to end. They play a role in planning the menu, pulling food, pulling necessary gear and equipment, facilitating the ropes course, canoeing, hiking, climbing, cycling and all activities while the participants are here, post course clean up, and evaluating the course at the end.

The amount of responsibility given to the interns depends on what each individual proves they can handle. The summer internship allows for interns to gain experience working in outdoor education, therapeutic recreation and working with people with disabilities, as well as a chance to take advantage of Colorado’s summer experience.

Along with working wilderness courses, interns are provided with the opportunity to work with the operations manager, the administrative staff, and professional challenge courses.

“The BOEC is a magical place. SO many amazing things happen here that changes peoples lives. You will experience unmatched amounts of determination, inspiration, encouragement, support and personality.”

Erin, Former Summer Intern

“The BOEC has changed my perspective on life. Working with the participants this summer fulfilled something that was missing from my life. It gave me a rewarding experience that I will cherish for the rest of my existence. Being around people that are so willing to open up and let themselves be vulnerable struck a cord with me.”

Kacee, Former Summer Intern

“The best part of my internship – and continues to be my favorite part of the BOEC – is experiencing the magic that occurs here, the ability to witness and take part in life changing experiences for others.”

Eric, Former Summer Intern

“This experience has been more incredible than I ever imagined. Every day I came away with a story and a different sense of growth and accomplishment within myself. I’ve learned to deal with and to reach a much diversified population. I’ve learned ways to approach and to create a sense of accomplishment within adults and children. I’ve learned to work with corporate groups, troubled teenagers, and with people that have gone through extremely traumatic experiences. The internship has stretched me in unimaginable ways, in all honesty and sincerity, it has changed my life.”

Elizabeth, Former Summer Intern

“What would I tell an incoming intern? If you think you know yourself, you’re wrong. Expect how you think about people to change. Expect your whole outlook on life to change. Expect all your priorities and life’s goals to change. Expect to love people more than you ever thought you could. Expect to do things you never thought you’d see yourself doing. Expect to have the most inspiring and educational four months of your life. Expect to be homesick and expect not wanting to leave when the time comes. Expect the last week of your internship to include a lump in your throat and your heart in your stomach. Expect to ask yourself at the end, ‘How will I ever top this?’”Your Content Goes Here

Diane, Former Summer Intern

“Through the experience that I had at the BOEC I feel that my path in life has been altered. Working at the BOEC exposed me to so many different types of activities and people. Never before the BOEC did I feel that I would enjoy working with special populations, but now my views are just the opposite. This summer I was shown just how much people with special needs appreciate and need the services that the BOEC provides.”

Jason, Former Summer Intern

“I assisted a student with a brain injury climb the wall for 45 minutes. I was sweating, tired and shaking, but when he rang the bell at the top and yelled, my world changed forever.”

Ashley, Former Summer Intern

Moniker Foundation LogoThe BOEC is grateful to The Moniker Foundation for underwriting our Internship Program which allows us to continue to offer this world class training and leadership program. With their gracious donations they are helping the program thrive and develop future outdoor leaders.

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