Skizzi Huffman

Winter Intern

Skizzi Huffman

Well hello again! It’s Skizzi. After the summer internship, I just had to come back to get the full experience in adaptive sports, and that means learning to alpine ski (and hopefully snowboard). I was on the cross-country ski team at my college in Vermont, but have no practice putting skis on a mountain slope. So this winter, I hope to learn fast, ski fast, and start to teach other individuals to do the same. With my degree in adventure education and human kinetics, I hope to use all the skills I gain at the BOEC to eventually buy land and start a wilderness orphanage school in Europe. It is very important to me to give the opportunity to as many different groups and populations as possible, as you never know who you will inspire to pursue their own dreams. Creativity is built through opportunity. We can all climb those mountains, but do not forget to shred down as well! Let’s do this thing together!