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Facilities and Activities
- Programming will be designed to limit physical contact among students.
- Special use activities, such as boating, ropes course, biking, cooking and camp crafts, compasses and maps, etc. will require specific cleaning and sanitizing protocols. Each will follow manufacturer’s recommendations.
- BOEC will limit the equipment in use to those that are easily cleanable, non-porous, with smooth surfaces and eliminate soft, fabric toys, dress-up clothing, sensory tables and water play.
- Staff will only play small group games and games that do not include physical contact.
- BOEC will keep groups of students together in one groups with the same staff each day, if possible, especially when a program spans several days
- Discrete Program Groups
- On any particular day students will not join another group or engage in activities with students from another group.
- Students will be in the same group for the duration of the session at each program.
Square Footage Requirements
- Groups of 10 will be provided with a minimum of 36 sq ft of space per student while indoors.
- Groups of up to 25 will be allowed with proper social distancing and mask wear outdoors. Smaller groups will be made out of the 25.
Common and Shared Spaces
- The number of student-staff and student-student interactions in common spaces will be limited as much as possible (equipment, hallways, bathrooms, etc.).
- When common spaces are used, cleaning will take place before and after use.
- The Griffith foyer bathroom will be the only allowable bathroom for site based programs and will be disinfected between uses.
- Public bathrooms will be used for some programs and additional handwashing and sanitizing will be encouraged when the student returns to the group.
Designated bathrooms will be chosen before the program starts so all staff are aware.
Common Programming Supplies and Sports Equipment
- All common programming supplies will be cleaned and sanitized before and after use.
- All manufacturer’s recommendations on cleaning and sanitizing will be followed.
Storage Space for Personal Items
- All personal belongings must be labeled with the student’s name and will be kept in a designated area 6ft away from other student’s belongings.
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