Richard Reed Tee It Up 2023 Golf Scramble Team

Richard Reed Tee It Up 2023 Golf Scramble Team

With BOEC’s Tee It Up Golf Scramble right around the corner on Monday, August 19th, we want to thank our dedicated sponsors and highlight our two-time golf ball sponsor, Richard Reed Foundation, who supports BOEC year-round, including all three of our signature events. Tamara Valdez, Executive Director of the Richard Reed Foundation, recently joined BOEC’s Board of Directors, providing crucial input in the organization’s development and marketing strategy.

The foundation’s founder, Tamara’s father, Richard Reed, was a lifelong entrepreneur and philanthropist. His love of science, innovation, and progress led him through many business ventures. Richard studied diverse topics, including cultural diversity, history, economics, physics, climate change, and socio-economic impact. He believed learning is a continuous and infinite opportunity. In 2015, Richard formed a private foundation to focus on children and animals in need, with plans to address climate and disease. Sadly, he passed away in 2016, just over a year after the foundation’s creation.

Left- Jan Skogen, Grants Manager, and Richard Reed

Left- Jan Skogen, Grants Manager, and Richard Reed

With Tamara’s corporate marketing and advertising expertise, she transitioned to running the foundation. She reflects,

“From decades of corporate work, running a foundation is incredibly rewarding. Seeing the direct impact of our efforts on people’s lives and communities is incredibly fulfilling. Plus, collaborating with passionate, like-minded individuals and organizations brings a sense of camaraderie and purpose.”

The Richard Reed Foundation believes in the ripple effect: you can make a big difference by starting small. They support smaller, forward-thinking organizations focused on mental health, child development, community welfare, animal welfare, and environmental impact. BOEC is already experiencing this “ripple effect” from the foundation’s support, which has improved event and marketing strategies, showcasing its commitment to making the outdoors accessible and inclusive for all.

One of the foundation’s founding principles is supporting communities that work together to care for each other and the planet. Tamara reminisces about Richard’s vision of a world where “we lift others up in hard times, we help vulnerable populations—not just humans, but animals too, and we work hard to create a more sustainable future for our children and beyond.”

BOEC is extremely grateful that Tamara recognized BOEC for her involvement in the Summit County community. She was familiar with our internship program through a family friend who was an intern years ago. After deciding to take the foundation forward, they began researching local organizations, and BOEC was definitely on their list.

Tamara emphasizes that the people at BOEC inspire their ongoing support.

“From the history and longevity of the founders to the leadership, staff, interns, and volunteers; the dedication and passion of this group are inspiring. We truly believe in the work they do and the positive impact they have on their clients and the local community. Being able to contribute to their mission and see the tangible results of their efforts is incredibly rewarding. It’s a cause close to our hearts, and we’re proud to be a part of their journey.”

Tamara Valdez, Executive Director and Rachelle Dodge, Program Director Richard Reed Foundation

Tamara Valdez, Executive Director and Rachelle Dodge, Program Director Richard Reed Foundation

The Richard Reed Foundation encourages others to give their time or money to causes that can improve their communities, believing that collective effort can lead to meaningful change. Tamara concludes, “It’s not just about giving back; it’s about building a better, more connected community for everyone.”

BOEC is grateful not only for the Richard Reed Foundation’s support of our three key events including the Banff Mountain Film Festival, Fiesta for BOEC, and the Tee It Up Golf Scramble, but also for the innovation and strategy Tamara brings to BOEC as a board member. Together, we are making a positive difference in the community and for the 2,500 participants we serve each year.