As we welcome in the New Year, we would like to take a moment to express our sincerest gratitude to all of you who contributed to the 2022 Holiday Giving Campaign, and simply wanted to say…Thank You!
As you may or may not know, the individual, household, company and foundation gifts that we receive between November 15 to January 15 make up approximately 21% of BOEC’s annual fundraising goals. Specifically, this years’ Holiday Giving Campaign raised over $430,000! You helped us to meet our matches and surpass our goal to help provide meaningful outdoor experiences to those with cognitive or physical disabilities and other populations who are routinely left out of these activities. Thank you all for your willingness to give to BOEC. This special collaboration grants us the ability to follow our mission and add smiles to sweet faces, like Cecelia whom you met throughout our campaign.
We really want everyone who donated to BOEC, whether that is $5 or $25,000, to understand how grateful we are for the opportunities that you provide to thousands of skiers and snowboarders, climbers and rafters, and outdoor adventurers year after year. This is why our entire BOEC team makes a concerted effort to personally call or email every donor to make sure you understand the positive impact you are making in people’s lives. Our efforts are in turn validated when we connect with a donor who shares with us how grateful they are for what we do everyday and encourages our team to “keep up the good work”. If you did not receive a personal call or email from us, it’s because we don’t have your phone number or email address. (Which you can be sure is correct by updating it here).
This is definitely the busiest time of year for our Development Team, but also the most rewarding. Our team strives to understand the motivation behind every donors’ intention to give to BOEC, and helps direct their gifts within the organization. Simple conversations, emails or a visit to our sites are encouraged and always welcome. We love to share the gifts that we experience everyday at BOEC. Please reach out to [email protected], if you would like to connect.
Two very generous BOEC Board donors offered up $10,000 each to be used for three match challenges promoted this year, both of which we were able to meet, making your donations go double the distance. We saw an outpouring of individuals who were reaching out to make a donation during these opportunities to ensure that we met the challenge. Thank you so much to everyone who helped us meet the match during those special fundraising windows because this really made a difference for us this season.
Here is a snapshot of 2022-2023 Holiday Giving Campaign:

No matter how you give to us, via, on Colorado Gives Day, or by sending a check, we sure appreciate you doing so. You can check out how to give throughout the year on our Ways to Give page.